In our last entry, we explained why it’s important to change your mattress every 5-7 years. But since two years is a rather wide range when talking about a piece of bedroom furniture you use every day and since not every mattress degrades at exactly the same rate, it can be a bit difficult to determine precisely when you should make your new purchase. That’s why we’re now going to give you some telltale signs to look for.

Clear evidence of extreme wear:

Can you feel coils poking you in the back when you lie down? Worse yet, can you see any exposed coils that have worked their way through the ticking? Does the mattress visibly sag in the middle or along the sides? Answering “yes” to any of these questions means you’re past due for new bedding.

Waking up with new aches and pains:

Waking up to a stiff neck or sore back is no way to start the day. If you’re experiencing new aches and pains that can’t be traced to exercise or sports, it’s time to go shopping.

Increased severity of allergies or asthma:

Because mattresses accumulate so much dust, dead skin cells, pet dander, bacteria, and other microscopic detritus after years of use, you may notice your allergies or asthma acting up at bedtime. If you determine that your old mattress is the source of the problem, then a new one can provide relief.

Lifestyle and health changes:

Are you newly married or divorced? Have you recently put on significant pounds or lost a lot of weight? These types of lifestyle and health changes have a direct impact on the ability of your mattress to provide good musculoskeletal support night after night, so you might want to start browsing our TempurPedic mattress gallery for an upgrade.
If you’re not sure how old your current mattress is or when you should replace it, the above indicators can help you make a decision. The next time you change your sheets, spend some time evaluating your mattress against these guidelines, and then take appropriate action if necessary.

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